Monday, 27 February 2012

Col Needham: Founder and CEO of IMDb

Col Needham is the founder and CEO of The Internet Movie Database ( Born and living in the UK, Col has had a lifelong interest in both technology and movies. After starting a computer games software business at the age of 14, he went on to complete a computer science degree at Leeds University before commencing a career in technology research in Bristol, England. IMDb grew out of a personal database of movie information which Col created as a teenager, combined with similar data collected on the Internet in the late 1980s/early 1990s. Col published the first version of IMDb online in October 1990 and co-ordinated IMDb as a worldwide volunteer effort from 1990-1996. IMDb incorporated in January 1996 with the volunteers as shareholders and IMDb became a wholly owned subsidiary of in April 1998. Col continues in his original role to this day, working from an office in Bristol with IMDb staff members in countries around the world.

From the imdb website it lets you download a copy of Col needham, or the imdb logo, different variations of the logo. Also you can download the IMDb Trivia Game for iPhone and iPod touch. and you can download the screenshots of this game which may be handy if we decide to advertise this in the mag.

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