Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Totem poles

Totem poles are all about cultural identity. They are a way of native people sayong "we're here." Totem poles are still carved today and people want people to know they they are still around.

You treat a totem pole with respect, just like a person, because in ones culture thats what it is. A pole is another person that is born into the family, exept he is a story teller. So it should be treated with honour.

The figures on a pole are an outline of the story that is family history and belongs to your uncle or grandfarther, for instance, you have to check with them to get their permission. Nowdays many carvers use a general story, a public story, because the poles theyre doing are carved for every body.

I took some photos of poles when I was in Vancouver and it will be nice to put them to use.

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