Tuesday, 24 January 2012


In the computer arts magazine there is a really good and relevant article for a hassle free collaborative projects. 

1. Define the project - Before I start anything I need to take time to consider the reality of the brief. And I need to define it. I need to think about intended use and the outcome and work towards that before either of us agree to the impossible.

2. Choose who you work with wisely - I have already chosen 2 fashion partners which is what i wanted However i admit i haven't seen either of their work. But i have considered my own portfolio and the potential skills this will bring me in which i lack.

3. Share a goal - In this section it says it is important that we are not pulling in different directions. So to prevent this We will have to keep in contact and agree to decisions. This could be done by creating a project plan where start with a goal and work backwards. identifying each step and then split these steps into areas that we can each take ownership of.

4. Agree a timescale - Everything needs a deadline!! This is where i lack so it is vital for me to set and agree deadlines. A deadline is a target, not the finish line. I have to aim to achieve the projects goals in a realistic time. It is said that too often collaborative projects slip into negligence through inattention.

5. Who owns the project - In the article it mentions that there should be someone at the tip of the arrow head directing and deciding on changes. It says that more often then not this will happen naturally and if this is me I should lead without expectation. Especially if its an unpaid collaboration, which is the case.

6. Communicate honestly - I must always be honest with the feedback and expect the same from them. This includes ideas and suggestions. with enthusiasm at all times. 

7. Agree terms before you start working - It is important to know exactly who is responsible for what. Make it clear from the outset who owns what 

8. Share your work - in collaboration it always pays off to share work, 

9. Enjoy it - Collaboration is productive, fun and often results in genuinely intensive work. it also lets you get involved in something outside of daily routine. Embrace it with passion and enthusiasm. If I do all this then more people will want to work with me in the future.

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